
Nutri-CHO 1-4-4 is a base product for large scale applications to enhance whatever it is applied with. Our proprietary Solu-Plus is included to reduce surface tension and provide pre-digested humic and fulvic acid to optimize nutrient absorption. Nutri-CHO 1-4-4 contains a high concentration of simple and complex carbohydrates, along with an extensive nutrient package that includes macro and micronutrients.

Nutri-CHO 1-4-4 is rich in amino acids, highly functional carboxylates, vitamins, enzymes, minerals, and antioxidants.


  • • High content of carbohydrates in both simple and complex form
  • • Ideal to use with your Nitrogen source of choice to deliver multiple nutrients and promote plant health.
  • • Pre-digested humic and fulvic acids, amino acids, antioxidants, vitamins, and enzymes to reduce stress.
  • • Natural growth and rooting stimulants to reduce potential for drought and abiotic stress.
  • • Proprietary Bio-Surfactant aids in the availability and solubility of nutrients.
  • • 100% water soluble with nutrients in solution and readily available to the plant.
  • • Ideal for injection and/or application from Tee to Green!

Product Highlights

  • - Simple and Complex Carbohydrates
  • - Proprietary Solu-Plus Technology
  • - Optimizes Nutrient Absorption
  • - Humic, Fulvic and Amino Acids
  • - Multiple Vitamins and Enzymes
  • - Functional Groups of Phenols/Carboxylates